The ICPP has a specialised educational offer at undergraduate and postgraduate-taught and research levels.
Bachelor in Communication
Unique in the Swiss and international context, the Bachelor in Communication offers students a broad and interdisciplinary education, open to practical application, which combines basic knowledge and sectoral knowledge thanks to three specialisations oriented towards the world of business, media and journalism and digital culture.
Master in Public Management and Policy
Offered in collaboration with the University of Bern and the University of Lausanne, the Master in Public Management and Policy aims to develop the necessary skills for future professionals in the public and private non-profit sector through an intercultural and interdisciplinary education, covering a wide range of fields such as political and communication sciences, management and public economics, law and sociology.
PhD in Communication Sciences
The PhD in Communication Sciences is available to be studied in two modes: full-time or part-time. The PhD programme is structured around three components: advanced and in-depth studies of the fundamental elements of communication sciences; learning about research methods; individual research work culminating in a doctoral thesis under the supervision of one of the professors of the Institute of Communication and Public Policy.
Summer School in Social Science Methods
The Summer School is organised by the Insitute of Communication and Public Policy, Università della Svizzera italiana in close cooperation with FORS, the Swiss Foundation for social science research. Every year, it offers several full-time workshops in two weekly sessions (second half of August).
Participants are PhD students, junior and senior researchers and practitioners from Switzerland and other countries working in a wide range of scientific disciplines: Psychology, Educational, Business Studies, Communication, Political Science, Sociology, Health Sciences, and many others.
SSPH+ Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics, and Management
The SSPH+ Lugano Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics, and Management places health, disease, and health systems thinking under one common framework of coherent concepts and practical implications. The courses are intended for professionals and managers of health administrations, hospitals and other services and facilities within the health sector, policy-makers and students. The programme is jointly organised by the ICPP and the IPH at USI, the Swiss School of Public Health, DEASS at SUPSI, and Swiss TPH.