Research projects
In progress (7)
- Lepori B. (2025) Scientific workshop on using generative AI for science and higher education studies
- Lepori B. (2024) RDM@SSM - Research Data Management @ Summer School in Social Science Methods
- Drzewiecka J. (2024) Fostering inclusion of refugees: storytelling and dialogue
- Villeneuve J. (2022) CORE-LESS : Assessing the nature and impact of transnational corruption through the lens of Swiss businesses
- Lepori B. (2022) Diversity of higher education systems, differentiation processes and policy mixes
- Villeneuve J. (2022) CivicTrade - Deliberative Quality in Trade- Related International Organisations
- Mugellini G. (2022) DEeP-GOV - Digital Education Partnership for effective and sustainable Governance
Completed (41)
- Drzewiecka J. (2023) Reassessing the "critical" in Critical Discourse Studies
- Villeneuve J. (2023) ACCORD - Anti-Corruption Consultations on Open Research Data
- Bitonti A. (2022) Open lobbying. A political theory approach to lobbying regulation
- Villeneuve J. (2022) Scholar at Risk - Call for Afghanistan. Project Representative Bureaucracy
- Villeneuve J. (2022) Scholar at Risk – Call for Ukraine. Project Corruption, Civic Participation, and Accountability
- Lepori B. (2021) The Employment of Academics and Administrators in European Higher Education: National and Organizational Determinants
- Lepori B. (2021) ETERIV - Implementation and further development of the European Tertiary Education Register
- Villeneuve J. (2020) Determinants of sustainable Citizen-State relationships: A survey of trust, satisfaction and organizational deviances
- Drzewiecka J. (2019) Migrant belonging: identity, affect and capital
- Lepori B. (2019) RISIS 2 - European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies
- Suggs L. (2019) GlobalP3HS - GLOBALVUJK - SSPH+ Global PhD Program in Public Health Sciences
- Suggs L. (2019) Developing and strengthening partnerships for nutrition promotion, monitoring and measurement among children
- Suggs L. (2019) A corpus linguistic approach to childhood public health
- Suggs L. (2019) SIM - Social inclusion marketing Project
- Lepori B. (2017) ETER 3 - Implementation and Further Development of a European Tertiary Education Register
- Villeneuve J. (2017) Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities
- Ruspini P. (2016) SAREP - Study Abroad Research in European Perspective
- Suggs L. (2015) Examining Children's Eating Behaviors and their Social Determinants In Ticino Switzerland
- Villeneuve J. (2015) Global Conference on Transparency Research
- Suggs L. (2014) Tap it up
- Ruspini P. (2013) Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria: assessing social inequalities and regional disparities in the context of changing policies
- Suggs L. (2013) USI SINC - Università della Svizzera italiana Sustainability Incubator
- Suggs L. (2013) SOPHYA - Swiss children's objectively measured physical activity
- Ruspini P. (2012) ISTME - In search of transcultural memory in Europe
- Tardini S. (2011) OIKODOMOS - Consolidation and expansion of a Virtual Campus
- Ruspini P. (2011) ADAPT - Adapting European health systems to diversity
- Rigotti E. (2010) BankAr-Cod - Argumentative practices adopted by Swiss banks
- Ruspini P. (2009) MIRACLE - Migrants and Refugees - A challenge for learning in European Schools
- Ruspini P. (2009) EDICC - European Diploma in Intercultural Competence
- Ruspini P. (2009) Successful Pathways for the Second Generation of Migrants
- Domenighetti G. (2007) ABID2 - Applying Biometrics to Identity Documents
- Laffranchi M. (2006) TEMAS - Materials and Structures
- Eppler M. (2006) - An E-learning Course on Visual Literacy for Communication, Engineering and Business
- Poglia E. (2006) I2C - Improving Intercultural Communication
- Schulz P. (2006) ECHO - E-course in communication for Health Operators
- Domenighetti G. (2005) L'opera narrativa di Plinio Martini nel quadro della letteratura svizzero italiana del secondo dopoguerra.
- Hungerbühler Savary R. (2004) Hear and See
- Rigotti E. (2004) ARGUMENTUM - Argumentum
- Meneguzzo M. (2004) E-MHEM - Corso virtuale di management per masters in economia e management sanitario
- Cantoni L. (2004) USABLE - USability Analysis through Blended Learning
- Lepori B. (2002) EDUM - Educational Management in the Swiss Virtual Campus